In typical hurried fashion, I am assembling my menu this week based on our available groceries and funds for said groceries. :) HA! Due to a little overage in the grocery budget last week, I'm attempting to use up some pantry and freezer items, as well as some leftovers. Now that Trevor is working again, it probably doesn't matter that much if we go a teensy bit over budget. That being said, it's so much more gratifying to have $$ left in the envelope when the month comes to a close. Plus, less $$ on other items means more $$ for fruit and we are LOVING our fruit this spring!
Here's what the kitchen festivities will look like at our house this week:
Monday: PB&J, apple slices, and strawberries..mmm!
Tuesday: Shredded pork tacosWednesday: crock pot Tortilla soupThursday: whole wheat pasta bake with fresh basil
Friday: leftover pork tacos
Saturday: Waffles, fruit, turkey bacon, eggs for brunch; pizza on the grill for dinner
Sunday: VBS worker lunch at church; leftover soup/tacos/pasta (whatever I didn't dominate for lunches) for dinner
So there you have it. Not too exciting, but not all
that boring either. I think it's going to be a great week!