Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Biggest Loser Blog 102009

We're currently sitting in our living room, getting comfy on the couch with our laptops and warm blankets. First funny comment of the evening comes from Trevor. He's in the kitchen putting away our dinner dishes and as the credits end, I hear him say, "Whoa, and so ends the happy music." He's so funny. You all know what he's talking about, too. This week should be good.

The blue team saunters into the living quarters and tries to explain why they sent Mo home. Black's not buying it and neither are we. Let's face it, with Tracey gone, so is the season. They HAVE to keep her for the drama factor. I, for one, am glad she's still around.

Tracy can't decide if she wants to bawl or not. So she does, then she doesn't, then she buries her head in her hands, then she smiles, and then her gears jam and smoke starts coming out of her ears.

There is so much awkwardness in the living room that I'm super relieved when the tribal drums beckon us back into the workout room

I'm sure we're all excited to see that Tracey's workin' out! It's her day. It's her time. I wonder how long this attitude will stick around. Of course, it's Tracey. I shouldn't have to wait long to find out.

As the sun turns into the moon and then into a tiki torch, I am amazed at the special effects team on this show. They are especially capable when it comes to the morph feature. I think they deserve more credit.

The tiki torches provide a nice little segway to the next challenge. We suddenly find ourselves on the Survivor set where our contestants will have to dig in the sand for 4 keys to unlock boxes straight from Pirates of the Carribean. I told you they were in cahoots. Allison the Indian-Giver (is that racist? I've never known) asks them if they want to know the surprise that awaits them in the boxes, and then says too bad. If they want to know, they'll have to win. Oh, snap!

Next we find out that AMANDA HATES SAND. In fact, she thinks it's a nuisance. It doesn't matter. While Amanda and her clean hands look on, DANNY IS KILLING IT and Shay is doing snow angels. Liz looks like she's competing in the backstroke, and yet again, I wish we had a DVR. We may have to get on that.

DANNY says this is like digging a slow hole to china. It doesn't stop. Hi DANNY, Jamie again..you're digging a hole. It's not going to stop until you do.

Rebecca says her hole is 6 feet deep. I feel dirty just typing that, but I want to remind her that if she's only standing up to her ankles in the hole, I'm pretty sure it's not 6 feet deep.

DANNY looks up to the sky in angst like a frustrated 5 year old, and then victoriously pulls his box up. He's the MAN!

Okay so I definitely missed the part where the keys are in the boxes. I thought they were just loose in the sand and couldn't figure out why they were all digging 12 feet into the ground. Um...guys, when the water starts coming in, you've gone too deep.

On the blue team front, I think if my house burns down, I want Allen to come dig me out. Did you see him flinging those boxes?

Blue team wins the mystery prize - tickets home. Allen drops an H bomb that shocks us both. But then decides to offer the prize to the Black team. DANNY says it's a sweet pain because he gets his wife, but doesn't get Jillian. Hm...

When the black team tells us where they're going home, I notice that most of them are from the South. Coincidence? I think not. Unfortunately when I moved here 5 years ago, I heard on NPR that Colorado was the healthiest state and Tennessee was the 47th healthiest. Yes, out of 50. I'm sure the only ones that were worse were Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana.

Be honest, who else cried a little when Daniel's grandma saw him for the first time. Huge blue hair, penciled eyebrows and all. Daniel's family was stoked to see him. Think about how weird it would be to have not seen someone in just 5 weeks, but seeing them 50 lbs lighter all of a sudden...

Dina's little boy gives her flowers and I start to cry again. And then I stop because I think her husband is in a tux? Oh no, just a suit. OK. Not really, but okay. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

Shay comes home to her husband and stepkids. Wait - Shay is married? I thought she was younger for some reason. I'm not sure those kids are very excited to see her. Her cabinets are sure pretty though. I'm puzzled that these children didn't know where she was. I'm also puzzled at the subtitles when Shay's husband is whispering to her. I could understand him perfectly clearly.

I guess I show my ignorance here, but I'm surprised at how thin Amanda's parents are. They seem to have a very petite build. Oh come on, you were thinking it...

Oh gosh, here's DANNY. I think I'm gonna crah (that's southern for cry, of course)

Our contestants are pumped to lose weight at home. Just wait, they'll be crahing about how hard it is by the end of the week.

Shay shops for organic food with the tots. Forget digging in the sand, grocery shopping is the real challenge. Way to bring it around full circle, Shay. Danny shows his 5 year old his food diary and promises her candy if she'll sit still while the nice man films them on the bench in the neighbor's back yard. With daddy gone, their's hasn't been mowed in awhile.

Rebecca does an side interview and I have no idea what she said because I'm so distracted by the huge chunk of hair stuck to the side of her face.

Liz is really struggling today and drops the second H bomb of the episode. And thinks she was going to DAH. (die. Aren't you glad I'm learning Southern so I can translate for ya'll (you all, of course))

If I didn't know Abby just went swimming, I would have been really impressed with her sweat-soaked hair.

How cute was Dina's son sitting there reading his book like the little task master he is. Run faster, mommy. Keep climbing those stairs, mommy. I'm just gonna sit here in my glasses with my spikey hair and read this science book. He's the little kid that turns into a super hero. You'll see.

Amanda is so distracted and can't figure out how to do the machines at the gym. I'm reminded of a Brian Reagan skit about some scaffolding.
Brian Regan - The Gym
Joke of the DayStand-Up ComedyFree Online Games

good thing Jillian calls and tells her she can do it. Thanks, Jill. That advice was priceless.

Shay says she feels uncomfortable at the gym - like people wonder why she's there. Um Shay, you're wearing a Biggest Loser t shirt and being followed around by an entire Biggest Loser camera crew. I think they all know what you're doing there. Why do you think the tan blonde girl kept fighting your step sons for the machine right next to you?

They all talk about how hard it is to be disciplined at home. But we know that's not true. Trevor is popping some popcorn. It's lite butter. Now that's discipline.

During the commercial break, on our station, we were treated to a L'Oreal Mascara commercial. I was enticed at first and then I remembered this little episode and got over it.

Wow - has anyone noticed a huge change in Liz? She's ridiculous right now. Super negative and vindictive. I think I'm over that too.

Do you ever wonder if they're contractually obligated to go out to eat at least once during their trip home?

Cut back to DANNY's place where he is filling the grill with kabobs. How many people are coming for dinner? That allotta food. But how cute is his wife?! And supportive to boot! Then he makes me cry when he tells his little girl that he can't go to the zoo with her because he wants to live. Live, DANNY, live!

Shay takes some buddies to Subway. Move over, Jared. She reads the cue cards perfectly and we all want Subway now. Thanks, Shay. Well played, subway.

Lots of tearful goodbyes, and it's back to the ranch.

Okay, if this show doesn't pick up, I'm going to start blogging about the commercials. Anyone see the pistachio one with the beauty queen?? I'm still giggling to myself.

The arial shot of LA through the smog reminds me one of the reasons why I'll never live in LA.

I think they show video of that pool almost everytime they come back from commercial and no one's ever in it. I would choose to swim all.the.time.

Do you ever wonder if one of the contestants says something really good and then the producer makes them repeat it for the cameras? For example, DANNY: Well guys, we've had a lot of distractions this week. I say we all get dressed and get back in the gym. PRODUCER: Good line, Danny. Do you think we could get a shot of that as the others look on and nod? Okay, great. Just one more time and we should have it. Can you be a little more animated on this one?

Back to the gym it is for the last chance workout. Since being home, DANNY has been able to go faster and longer than ever before. He is Superman.

Longer shirts, folks - PLEASE!

Jillian mounts Daniel and he looks as uncomfortable as we are. Her crotch was literally in his face...We're about to find out why he's not living up to his potential. Here it comes. It's because of his relationship with his mom. He has lots of regrets about how he treated her. I'm confused, did she die? Jillian confirms that she did not die...so why is he talking about her like she's gone? I'm so confused!

All of a sudden (actually after a 3 minute commercial break and a pretty awkward Biggest Loser social awareness spot), thunder begins to roll as the sharks and the jets march into the gym. It's weigh in time. Bob's gonna be pissed if Blue loses again. I wonder how long it takes to set and reset that weigh in area every week. Or maybe it's just a completely different location?

The Results:

Allen: -8 = 270
Apparently he and his wife invented the concept of a short term sacrifice vs. long term gain. He should go down in the visionary's hall of fame alongside Al Gore, the inventor of the internet.

Rebecca: -5 = 232
She's going to look GREAT when she's done. She's very pretty.

Tracey: -4
Are we surprised at the freakout that just ensued? On a positive note, she just gave me my quote for my next senior yearbook: "four shmoore, go get some marshmellows, 'cuz it's not enough" Yes! This is why we watch, people!

Confident Liz: -4 = 228
Are we at all surprised by her cynical response? Fail.

Rudy: -14 = 355
Are they fuzzing out his crack? Pull up your pants, big guy. 87 lbs in 6 weeks? Un.healthy.

Trevor just asked me if Blue is going to lose. Wouldn't it be DRAMATIC if they did? Until Rudy weighed in, I would have said yes. Tracey treats us to a little more crazy eye just for good measure.

Amanda: -6 = 218
I do wish we could tuck in the side boobage on these ladies. Maybe just some bras that provide a little more coverage?

Shay: -5 = 411
65 lbs for her in 6 weeks. She's happy with -5 at home. Of course she is...it's AMAZING. I wish I could lose 5 lbs in 3 months!

Abby: -4 = 204
Majestic and foreboding trombone accompaniment softens into piano and I wonder if this is foreshadowing the fact that they're going to lose.

Shay says that 4 lbs doesn't cut it for Abby, yet she only lost 5 and she's twice her size. Kettle, this is Pot. You're black.

Dina: -5 = 218
She's ecstatic about that and is empowered that she did it at home. Even with her son being there the whole time.

We begin to wonder if DANNY is going to save it for everyone. I'm sure getting the Black team loses vibe, which makes me skeptical. Oooo, or maybe Daniel lost like crazy. We shall see.

DANNY: -15 = 357
Trevor cries a little beside me. Team DANNY! Even Jill sheds a tear or two. And then she farmer blows into the corner to remind us all that she's still butch.

Did I call that or what?! Allison can count and reminds us that there's just one to weigh in. Did Daniel do it? Or are they just blowing hot air up our workout capris? Widemouthed gasp from Bob before the cut tells me he's golden...

By this time of the show, Trevor and I have started our own contest. It's called the biggest winner and we play by trying to see who can eat the most and still be hungry. I'm super annoyed when I have to wipe the hot fudge off my chin before I can begin to type again.

I want to tell you something, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. I think Daniels nipples are the size of Tracey's eyes. Tracey's crazy crazy oogely googely eyes. Credit to Trevor for the comparison to the eyes. I actually said they were the size of his face. I'm not a nice person sometimes.

Daniel: (drumroll [or little trumpet/percussion/scale beep fanfare], please) +1. Oh suck.
The team is super supportive and agrees that it could have happened to anyone. I feel like inside they disagree. However, a closeup shot of DANNY makes me think he may sacrifice himself now realizing that he can lose 15 lbs at home. Dina wants Daniel out because he already had a second chance here. Shay is a wild card right now.

As our contestants take their designated spots at the elimnation banquet table, Allison informs us that DANNY can't go home. I'm relieved.

Pet peeve: the way everyone says "this person" in the elimination room. Just say it, already.

Just got this txt from my darling sis who is also a die hard DANNY fan:
"Oh commercials...You suck! Come on!" Yes, yes Jenni. Indeed they do. But did you see the heavenly light emitting from the building just before the cut? Now THAT's something to stick around for!

We return to the elimination banquet and Dina is on the chopping block. Shay just twists the knife with her soliloqy about Dina's strength. We knew she wouldn't vote for Daniel. No surprise there.

At the ranch, Dina lost 35 lbs in 6 weeks and gained a newfound respect for herself, and for talking about herself in the 3rd person. I'm so glad. First person narrative was getting a little dry. Next time we see her it will be all her. ?

When she started at the ranch, she weighed 253lbs. She weighs 188 today. Her son works out with her and I wonder what kinda gym lets little kids sit on the weight stacks.

The biggest news, however, is that she can now jump up on the lion tamer podium! Hooray! She can almost clear it by 1/4 of an inch. I'm so relieved. *gag*

Because she feels like a new person all over, it's time for a new look. As her friends gather around, a la TLC Makeover Show, we are treated to a quick peek at her new look. Here are my thoughts in order.
  1. Her hair looks pretty good. It's still a little long for my liking, but it's okay.
  2. Have her teeth always looked like that?
  3. There is a subtle pattern on that dress
  4. She looks great. Go Dina.
  5. What the cleavage? Anyone else think it looked a little off?
Decent episode all in all. I'm excited about next week. Apparently something CRAZY is about to happen.

What about you - what did you think?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Biggest Loser Blog coming later...

Not a ton of goodies during the episode tonight. I'll look over my notes and will try to post something by late tomorrow night.

Monday, October 12, 2009

What did you do this weekend?

Friday, October 9, 2009

The New Ride

I can't believe it has been almost thr
ee weeks, and we're just now making the big reveal, but we are now a two car family. Meet our newest addition.

She's a 2007 Volvo 2.4i, big enough to cart around music stuff, but sleek enough to still feel good doing it. And we got a screamin' deal.

I'm sure you'll see more of her in the future, but for now, just look and enjoy! :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Biggest Loser Recap 100609

I thought just for fun I'd post some thoughts on my new favorite reality show, The Biggest Loser. I jotted some notes while we watched on Tuesday and, of course, I'm just getting them together into a somewhat solid state. I'm sure there are lots of good moments I missed, so please feel free to leave comments so we can all laugh with you, which we all know is better than you laughing alone and/or discussing it with a co-worker who has no idea who you're talking about.

We begin with the obligatory recap and tearful confrontation and I quickly remember one thing: Tracy is CRAZY...straight up. And I know that Shay has been through a lot in her life, but I'm definitely getting some drama queen/whoa is me vibes.

After the producers have had enough confrontation for the first two minutes of the show, we cut to your favorite trainers and mine, Bob and Jillian. I love me some Bob! And Jillian is crazy, but I love her too. I need her to bring some of her toughness to my house and take these cookies out of my hands :) She'd make me cry for sure.

Next, I have the following note with no idea how to tie it in, so here goes:
I've played sports for as long as I can remember. Started golf at 4; tee-ball at 5; softball at 7; basketball and volleyball at 9, so I know how to workout. (that's not the note, just a preface - here's the note: ) Maybe I've never worked out hard enough, but I've never sweated that much in my life. These people are raining.

On to some one on one interviews with pretty scenery in the background. Don't get me wrong - I like the insight that comes from the little interview, but I have a major pet peeve that I must get out in the open right here at the beginning - using the term "you" when talking about oneself. For example: Contestant X might say, "When you're there, in that situation, you just have to push yourself to the MAX." Jamie: "Wait, I thought we were talking about him. Is he talking about me? I do, or he does, or you do, or?" I'm confused.

Tracy goes in for her checkup with Dr. what's his initial... We see a flashback from the first episode where she collapsed on the beach and return to Dr. whoever he is telling Tracy that she can't do anything until he clears her. NOTHING. She can't even swim, or make any significant movement other than walking up the stairs to her room and back down to the kitchen to eat. OH CRAP, TRACY! What are you going to do now...and what did you do secretly last week to reinjure yourself so badly...and why can't you cry real tears right now? Don't start unless you can deliver, sister!

Tracy claims she is a panther inside. Complete with crazy eyes, of course. I'm not sure what this means, but I'm hesitantly excited to find out.

First challenge time - our weary but still-excited-to-be-here contestants come into the kitchen to find the cupboards and refrigerator are all padlocked shut. Being the helpful narrator she is, our host Allison, making an early first appearance this week, tells us that it will stay this way ALL WEEK LONG. That's 7 days, people. The contestants will be ordering out every meal for a week. Shoot, even I think that's a little severe. This seems to be a pretty tough bunch so far, but really, EVERY meal for a week?

Here comes the challenge: the teams will be choosing from three chicken dinners, dinner A (poached chicken breast with creamed spinach, some other stuff, a dessert and iced tea), dinner B (rotisserie chicken with skin and more stuff that I didn't write down), or dinner C (BBQ chicken with skin and more accoutrements I forgot to note). The team who picks the healthiest meal of the three gets a kitchen stocked with healthy food for a year. Who wins? Wait, cut to commercial first. Surprised?

And we're back. Don't we all just love Danny. Brown, Pink, and Orange are guessing the calories for the year's supply of healthy eats; we are all at the edge of our seats, I'm sure.. And the winner is....PINK team. Really? Pink? Don't they both probably still live at home with their parents anyway? Why do they need free food for a year? I digress... Orange team's guess was SO close, but just a little over. Anyone who watches Price Is Right all morning every time they're home on a weekday knows all to well...you have to be closest WITHOUT going over.

My unusually quiet but extremely dashing and witty husband, Trevor, said if he guessed last, he would have guessed ONE CALORIE, Allison. Oh snap. He would have lost.

Meanwhile, the show has continued without me. Better start paying attention again. Our contestants are busy ordering in their first meal. Liz is on the phone for what seems like five (5) minutes repeating over and over that she wants her dressing on the side. Something tells me this is going to end badly. Surprise, surprise, NOTHING comes the way they ordered. It's a tough life out there in the real world. You know, the one they left just three (3) short weeks ago. They've gotta learn sometime. Our little babies are all growns up. :)

For some reason they keep cutting to the guy fidgeting with the packet of Extra chewing gum.
Wonder how much they paid for that little plug?

Oh yeah, big picture, sorry...After lunch, our defeated and hungry little bunch has the opportunity to pow-wow with Bob and Jillian and bring them up to speed. We learn that Bob and Jillian want to date the contestants. Or at least take them out for supper. What a nice offer. Everyone gets cleaned up and they venture out of the house for the first time in three weeks to eat...

WHAT?! Mexican food. Ooohh..I'm interested...but more interested that Shay is dressed like a fairy. Not like a girly man-type fairy, but like a real-live Tinkerbell fairy; sheery, shimery, lettuce sleeves; light-my-way-through-a-dark-hallway teal eye shadow and all. As if we had any doubt in our little nutritionistas, they forego the chips and salsa after Jillian reminds them to remove temptation. And then she makes the pretty girl cry.

All joking aside, I am excited about the calorie breakdown that ensued and how they talked through how to actually eat somewhat healthfully at a Mexican place. See, this is why I watch this show. I'm not rotting my brain away on two hours of rediculousness...I'm LEARNING. I'm also a touch devistated that I can't justify eating 6 tacos and 2 bowls of chips and salsa anymore. Maybe I should take a nutrition class though, because I was having a hard time following Jillian's logic.

After dinner, we head back to the ranch, and our host Allison announces that Immunity is hanging on the line. Literally.

Let me just reiterate that I LOVE DANNY!

Tracy shouts how crazy this challenge is. Crazy, huh Tracy? Weird. I giggle at the irony.

The contestants are all forced to put on the smallest lifejackets that I've ever seen and hang from ropes as the platform they once stood on begins to slant more and more, dangling them 12 feet above the pool. We're off and running and one thing is for certain. Although I like her most of the time, our little host Allison does not have a nice yelling voice. On the other hand, I certainly don't envy her having to give a play by play for 12 people hanging from ropes for 5 minutes. Times like this make me very thankful for good editing. Let's jut see who can hang in there the longest, eh?

AAAANNNNDDD the winner is - Daniel! He is beside himself for actually winning and cannot believe he is going to make it past week 4. Having seen him last season, he looks AMAZING. I'm super stoked that he has come so far, especially after his partner was such a supreme chach last season. But the question remains how did he get to come back? Can someone please fill me in? I thought you only got one shot at the show...

I took a couple of things away from this challenge, but the most important question is this: Can we please get these contestants some longer shirts?

After the success of the previous night's rope challenge, we find our contestants in the gym and participating in their Last Chance Workout. Jillian told somebody (Julio maybe?) that she was going to break him in half. Really, Jillian..are you going to break him in half? Literally in half? Like down the middle top to bottom or side to side? Just wondering so I can be prepared. Thanks.

Liz jumps up on a huge agility platform. She only stays for a moment and then falls off on her hyney, but she definitely shows some toughness. Go Liz...you jump up on that platform!

Cut to sad Tracy writhing around and crying on the floor in the house. What in the world is she doing with her time?!? I guess I'd make the most of it and catch up on some reading or something.

Julio says Coach Mo is like an old warrior. What?! Yeah, me neither.

Amongst the hubub in the gym, we see our old warrior Coach Mo doing dips on the bench. He seems to be struggling a little when in the corner of the shot we see some strange man. Who is this man in black with Mo? Seriously..are there more trainers than just Jillian and Bob? Are we being fooled, America? And what just happened to old warrior Coach Mo? I didn't see any injury take place. My bet is that he's at his breaking point and will need to either overcome or quit. Bob thinks old warrior Coach Mo needs to get his head on straight. That's right, MO - YOU OVERCOME!! It's last chance workout, sissays!

The pitter-patter of little sandals under the full moon to the DaVinci Code soundrack can only mean one thing, folks...it's weigh in time!

Really, Allison... Red and pink? Who dresses her? Anywho...we are reminded that one team is going home, and that the orange team is safe this week. It's time to see how they did. Shay wants to weigh in under 400 this week. I'm guessing she didn't quite do 37 pounds since they ate out every meal, but when she puts up a -5, I'm quite impressed. I would have definitely gained 5...or more. Daniel, however lost nothing. Could it be a little game-play in the air? Hmmm...

Green team's up. Abby couldn't work out due to an injury, and as the music crecendos and makes me think we might actually get to see 10 minutes of show without a commercial, we cut to break.
AAAAND we're back. Here's how the rest of the weigh-in went down:
Abby (the sweet southern girl with the touching story): -3
Allen (the firefighter): -7

Dina (the girl we never hear much from): -5
Rudy (who killed it in his last chance workout): -11
65 pounds in 4 weeks, suckas!! That's CRAZY...I'm glad they have Dr. what's his face monitoring their progress because it seems unhealthy, but I'm excited for him. Can you imagine how motivating that would be?

Brown team - cue Pirates of the Carribbean Music for some reason
Liz in her brown sports bra loses 3.
DANNY (the teddy bear of a guitar player that we LOVE): -8
Look at how our sweet Danny helps Liz off the platform. Can I get a collective "AWWHH"

CRAZY Tracy is up to her antics...she proceeds to babble on about something for several seconds. I missed it and we don't have Tivo so I have NO IDEA what she said: -4 Are you kidding me right now?? How in the world did she loose 4 pounds without moving a muscle all week? Something doesn't add up for me.
old warrior Coach No MO (the overcomer): -8 Way to go Mo. Unfortunately, right after that, we are forced to witness the most CRAZY awkward hug on the top of the platform..and more SUPER smug panther grins from Tracy..ICK.

Julio is up next. Why do I feel like he doesn't give a rip? We don't see much emotion from him anyway. He loses 4 pounds and realizes it's not enough. I feel a twinge of sadness for him. In unrelated news, is his tongue just huge? Jillian is flabbergasted that he didn't lose more.

Pirates music returns. I feel like Cap'n Jack should be swordfighting Kiera Knightly in the background. It's time for the pink team to weigh in.
Pink Ladies
Amanda: -5
Rebecca: -4
Both are still standing and victorious over evil restaraunt food. I have eaten two more cookies by this point and can't believe that any of them lost weight at all after having to eat out three times a day for a week. That's ALOT of eating out! I'm excited for them, until I realize that DANNY is below the line. I'm strangely confident, however, because I sorta feel like Julio is toast. UNLESS there is some major gameplay and everyone else figures out that 2 gone is better than one. What is UP with this music?! Are they kidding here?

Now might be a good time to ask, what is that clicky sound they make just before they go to commercial? You know, the sound that is supposed to be kind of like the noise you think the TV might make when it shuts off....very computery and pointless??

I hardly have time to eat a final cookie when some elaborate pogo stick house music signals our return. Liz says the black and brown teams are so close so this is going to be a hard choice. Julio makes a speech about giving and receiving and loving and sharing. I gag. Both teams say this is the worst case scenario. I bet the other teams would disagree - afterall, it could be them on the chopping block. They all use the word "journey" several times. GOSH I LOVE DANNY!

Tracy begins with her bulgie-eye-wide-mouthed-fake-cry. Don't start with us, sister. We're not buying.

What's this, a commercial break? Something new and exciting for us. Coming up, the Biggest Loser Transformation moment - see how the eliminated player looks today. Hmmm...Freudian slip, or are they trying to trick us with this singular player comment. Well played, Biggest Loser. Well played.

The license on the Pirates of the Carribbean music must have expired (or been revoked by Disney since they are only in cahoots with ABC - obviously) so the signal is given to cue the Lord of the Rings - Caverns of Mordor soundtrack. Allison puts on her sympathetic face and I'm betting we have at least one more commercial break before this stinkin' ceremony is finished.

Rudy says that the brown team has eachother to keep them going at home. Um, hello Rudy, Jamie here, this is not Biggest Loser Couples...they're not going home together.

I don't remember who voted first and second or who they voted for, but Vote 3 goes to Julio. In case you can't count, Allison reminds us that there are now 2 votes for Julio, one for the brown team. I bet $50 that they interview the teams beforehand and tell them where to sit to increase the suspense.

Trevor is over all the crying and people saying they love eachother. Me too. I just gagged a little, but then again, it could be the FOUR cookies I have eaten during the course of this show.

I wish Tracy would no longer speak. She is a hot mess of contradiction and angst. The violins are really making me nervous. Purple votes for Julio which is weird because as we all know, old warrior Coach Mo is a rock and Tracy never gets her way.

So week four (4) is the end of the line for our big tongued friend, Julio. He says that he's okay with going home because people at home love him and won't let him quit. I hope he's right. His tongue is still huge, but I kinda feel for him right now.

It's Biggest Loser Transformation Moment and wow! Julio looks pretty good. He talks about how he likes to cook everything from scratch and then proceeds to chop tomatoes and dump them into a tossed salad. Wow, Julio's family - way to make that salad from scratch. Nonetheless, he's working hard and looking pretty good.

Before we can leave the silliness for the evening, we get a preview for next week: does Tracy in fact get the golden ticket and the power to choose the teams? We'll have to wait a whole week to find out! This is way too long already, but now it's time for you to sound off and let me know what you thought of this weeks Biggest Loser...

Lovingly and of course all in good fun,