Monday, December 31, 2012

Cleanse Update #2

Status:  Hungry :)

Breakfast: Hot water with lemon
Antioxident smoothie (frozen mixed berries with no sugar added and unsweetened pomegranate juice)

The smoothie was very tasty, but not very filling.  It did feel good to know that no added sugar or chemicals were in the mix....just fruit.

I'm getting ready to make lunch.  We will be having Spiced Butternut Squash and Apple Soup.  It's a cold, dreary day, and I'm quite looking forward to it.  After that, I'm going to make an afternoon snack of Dried Fruit and Nut Bites.  I hope they are as tasty as they sound because dinner is Steamed Broccoli and Squash with Tahini Dressing and I do not like broccoli.  I told Trevor though if he would give up coffee, I would eat the broccoli...

Still excited about this little endeavor.  Remind me of that when I have to eat broccoli tonight...

Cleanse Update #1 - Beginning Stats

Good afternoon.  Jamie here.

We started the day with a cup of hot water with lemon.  Supposedly, its purpose is to wake up your liver.  Good morning, liver!  (insert sarcastic eye roll here)  But really, it wasn't too bad.  With this cleanse, there is no caffeine at anytime during the three weeks.  Apparently it is because caffeinated drinks are very acidic and hard on your digestive system.  We don't usually drink pop, so that's not a big deal.  Trevor will miss his coffee and I will miss my unsweet iced tea.  We're pretty much addicted to our beverages of choice.  Now that I have written that on paper, maybe it is a good thing we are nixing it for the next few weeks.  Admitting I have a problem is the first step toward recovery. :)

Let me give you our beginning stats.  This morning, we had our official weigh in.  (This is the part I'm least anxious to share - accountability, accountability, accountability - here goes).

Trevor: 255 lbs
Jamie: 148 lbs

This is embarrassing.  It is the heaviest either of us has ever been.  We were close once.  For our wedding.  Awesome.  If you don't believe me, we have 1500 pictures commemorating the occasion.  For that one, we blame a move to the South where vegetables aren't served unless they're fried.  :)

Now I know some might look at those numbers and wonder what the big deal is.  I have a friend who hovers around 150 and is a size 4.  She is extremely fit and looks fantastic.  I have a very small frame though, I should be around 115 - 120 I've got a ways to go.  Trevor's goal is 210, where he was just after he stopped playing college ball.

We officially have our work cut out for us.  We know this cleanse is certainly not going to get us to our goals, but it will serve to kick start our journey and for that I am grateful.  Here are our goals for the end of our 3 week cleanse:

Trevor: 220 lbs (the man loses weight like a champ)
Jamie: 135 lbs (mine comes off a little slower)

There you have it.  The hard part is over.  The beans have officially been spilled.  Now comes the easy part....  Yikes!  This might be a long three weeks.  I think I can, I think I can....

So Long 2012

As we say goodbye to 2012, Trevor and I hope to also say goodbye to some excess pounds that have slowly but surely taken up residence on our bodies.  With my teaching/Vanderbilt class schedule and with Trevor's work/church schedule, we have severely neglected to eat healthy or work out in 2012...I mean hardly at all.  It is sad.  We also come home late and exhausted and usually collapse on the couch with some kind of comfort food - not a recipe for good health.

For those of you who don't know us personally (or all that well for that matter), let me take a second to say that I played sports all through high school and have been reasonably fit and active since and Trevor played college basketball and has also been reasonably fit and active since.  We used to pay a lot of attention to our eating also, so it's not that being healthy is something we don't know how to do.  Over the past year, it's just something that we haven't given proper attention to because we're always busy and running to the next thing.

While checking Pinterest one night (sitting on my couch when I could have been up moving), I came across Whole Living's 21 Day Cleanse.  I liked the look of it because the emphasis is not on crazy food combinations or on drinking some sort of crazy potion 6 times a day.  The premise is that everything is stripped down and the first week is only fruits, vegetables and nuts.  Then things are slowly added back in each week.  I liked the idea of eating real, whole food and concentrating on exactly what we are putting in our bodies.  It also is gluten-free, something we have been wanting to test to make sure neither of us is intolerant.  I asked Trevor if he would ever want to try something like that and he agreed that we should look into it.  We knew we couldn't start while I was still in school (quite a bit of prep involved), so we decided we would wait until we got back from our Christmas travel and use the week before I went back to school as a springboard to kick start our renewed emphasis on our health.

Saturday we went to the store to pick up a few things and just decided to do all of our cleanse shopping while we were there.  $149 later, we loaded up the car with all the ingredients for week 1.  $149, ya'll!  That is about half of our usual monthly budget, but I kept having to remind myself that it was worth it to splurge and spend more this month on healthy food.  We don't buy convenience food usually, and we cook mostly from scratch which is how we usually keep things under budget.  So tip #1 for starting this cleanse: prepare your wallet.  I would say of that $149, about $120 was all produce.  We have so much produce for this week that there is not room for it all in our fridge.  Crazy.

A big part of the cleanse is focusing on how food makes you feel.  We know that it is a bit more restrictive than what we are used to and we know that not all our feelings will be positive, but we are excited to try.  We will use this blog as a place to record our feelings about the cleanse as we go.

We will also use this blog as a source of accountability.  As hard as it is to admit that we haven't been very disciplined and have let our health slip from our priority list, we will be very open and honest about our successes and struggles as we go.  Once it's out there in the blogosphere, we have to continue on, even if it is not fun.

So, without anything further, here goes nothing!  (Did I mention that I'm hungry already?)   :)