Monday, January 25, 2010

Menu Monday

Monday already???

Due to a short week (youth retreat this weekend), I took the opportunity to be boring, again...but it's cool. At least we have good food to eat, no?

Monday: Whole Grain Spaghetti with roasted red pepper and garlic sauce, tossed salad, and rosemary garlic bread. Discovering that whole grain pasta has quite a bit of protein has revolutionized my thinking. I no longer feel like i HAVE to have meat sauce with pasta.

Tuesday: Grilled chicken with roasted veggies and potatoes

Wednesday: Three bean and beef chili with sourdough and white cheddar grilled cheese sandwiches.

Thursday - Sunday: not cooking at home...

As for those pork dishes I promised last week - they're still in the works. Just not for this week. When pork goes on sale again and when I have more than one evening at home to cook for the week, we'll give 'em a shot. I can't wait to try!

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