We thought about going out to a nice dinner last night, like we usually do to celebrate milestones, but were having a hard time deciding where we would go and when. To be honest, with our busy schedules, we hadn't spent an evening at home together for quite a few weeks and I think we both just really wanted to have a night in and relax. So I picked Trevor up from work and we went to a charming little "Meat and 3" near downtown. Now, if you're asking yourself what a "Meat and 3" is, stop right now, put down your laptop, run to your local library and pick up the latest copy of How to Eat Yourself Silly in the South magazine...You'll know it's the right one because on the cover you'll find a picture of Joe Tennessean with fried chicken grease streaming down his chin, butter cubes and bacon crumbles in his beard, and fried okra chunks on his bib...
This one was different though... Sort of a "Meat and 3" meets hip lunch spot meats eclectic deli/catering business. The food was FANTASTIC...super flavorful and reasonably priced. Helped out of course by the coupon we clipped from our 2009 Entertainment Book: buy one entree get 2nd entree free! Anyone?
So we grabbed our trays and headed out to enjoy our supper on the back deck overlooking the city. It was a gorgeous evening and we sat and ate and talked (and ate) and talked. Realizing that it was getting late (7PM) and that our favorite coffee shop had already closed (lame), we decided to grab some dessert and head home to...
...make a fort! (What did you think?) I got the idea from a friend at work and decided I was long overdue for a good living room fort. So we got into our comfy jammies, turned the couches around and pulled them in close, draped a sheet over the backs and up over the TV (after all, what good is a fort without a little technology). There we spent the rest of the evening, talking, playing Wii, eating our dessert and drinking espresso, and watching the last half of the Magic/Laker's game, (well, Trev did more of the watching at this point...I did more of the sleeping...it was 10:00, after all) and generally enjoying being at home together for the first time in awhile. Below are a couple of pictures of our handiwork:
He also surprised me with flowers and work: A new Starbucks to-go mug (made from 27% recycled material thank-you-very-much) filled with beautiful Hydrangeas. Hand selected, arranged, and delivered by my very sweet and thoughtful hubs. Thanks for a perfect anniversary, T - I couldn't have imagined it any better than that. I LOVE YOU!
And all the people said:
yaaaaaaa house forts! one of my favorite couples in the whole world, Happy Anniversary!!!
tor says that it must be a pretty big fort if trevor can fit in it! happy belated anniversary !
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