Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday Mornings

Who doesn't love Fridays? But mostly the afternoon/evening part when the work week ends and the weekend begins. However, for me, there is even something about Friday mornings that I love - how the air feels crisper and the sun shines more brightly. I love the view of the big tree outside my window or the pond just beyond the parking lot. All basking in the warm newness of the Friday morning sun. Okay, that's deep and silly, but really...I wish I had a camera so I could show you. Friday morning just.feels.perfect.

Also wonderful: The Krispy Kremes placed tauntingly in the kitchenette by my friend Kathleen. MMMM...can you beat a fresh Krispy Kreme? It's definitely worth the calories with my morning cup of Seattle's Best coffee with a touch of Italian Sweet Cream creamer.

On my desktop awaits a soon-to-be-finished analytical spread sheet of state convention offering info for my boss...gotta get to that. There's also the stack of mailing files that have to be filled with samples and put away, and then the blank files yet to be labeled. Other odds and ends await as I progress through the day, but right now, Friday morning makes everything seem bearable...even pleasant. I love Friday mornings!

1 comment:

t.s.poppy said...

I want to spend Friday mornings with you! Better yet, a Friday evening.

Must. Arrange. Visit. S00n.