I hate it that I haven't written in 3 weeks, and now my first (and highly anticipated, I'm sure) post will be about something as superficial as makeup...but this morning, I had a complete and utter makeup MELTDOWN! I should preface the story by saying that in February I switched over to Bare Escentuals and I love it. I will probably never go back to regular foundation. The product is light, and the coverage is flawless. I am in LOVE!

Other than my very solid choice in foundation, however, sometimes my judgement in products is...well...questionable at best. If you read this blog at all, you know that I am a coupon junkie. Thus, it is really hard for me to buy a cosmetic product that is not a) on sale or b) packing a considerable coupon discount. So yesterday, as I was buying a few last minute items for a trip, I headed to look for thee perfect (albeit cheap) mascara. For the past few months, I've been using Almay and LOVING it...but when I got to the aisle, it was full price and a little more than I hoped to spend. I looked at L'Oreal Voluminous which also has a good track record with me, but it was full price as well. I flipped eagerly through my coupons and found one for $1.00 off any Revlon product. SCORE! $1.00 off! So I picked the Revlon mascara with the best looking brush shape and went on my way.
Fast forward to this morning: I excitedly opened my new product expecting to find a nice, soft, fine bristled mascara brush, but instead it was this scrawny flexible silicone shaft with little mounds poking out all over it. Seriously..it looked like a bumble ball toy that my brother had as a baby

Scary, huh? I guess the name of the mascara and the shape of the alien wand should have tipped me off...LashFantasy, anyone? x|
At this point I was running 15 minutes ahead of schedule and was anxious to be done getting ready, head to breakfast and be early to work. But NO...this mascara had something totally different in mind. After what seemed like 10 minutes of combing and curling and coaxing, I walked out of the bathroom looking like this

okay, so not REALLY...but pretty much. I had six of the LONGEST, STRAIGHTEST, stuck together lashes I have ever seen. I combed them again. I curled them again. I combed and I combed and I combed. Trevor laughed. I think it was mostly to cover up the fact that he grimaced when he saw them...so now, 5 minutes behind schedule, I slathered on my eye makeup remover, washed my face and STARTED OVER! Needless to say, I did not use mascara the second time. I would rather go without than look like this

(not actually me, but a good representation, since in my ridiculous state, I forgot to take a picture for your enjoyment)
I am going to call Kroger and see if they accept returns on opened cosmetics. I doubt they do, but I've got to do something. Revlon LashFantasy is by far the worst mascara I have ever tried.

What about you? Have you ever spent a good $5-$10 on a cosmetic product only to end up HATING it when you get home?