Monday, January 5, 2009

Menu Monday

...and we're back...
After a wonderful week and a half with my family over the holidays, we're back and ready (or not) to get back into the swing of our normal, crazy life. Here's what we're eating at our house this week. Mostly trying to finish up all the leftover groceries from last week:

Monday: chili with tossed salad (sounds like a school lunch feature; Trevor has a meeting, so just Jamie for this one)

Tuesday: omlettes

Wednesday: chili with cornbread

Thursday: homemade pizza (on the grill perhaps?)

Friday: vegetable beef stew I've discovered that the bag of frozen soup veggies in the freezer isn't frozen soup veggies at all. It's frozen stir fry veggies. My beef cubes are already cooked and frozen in my broth, but I think I can still manage a stir fry out of this. (I told you - I am avoiding the grocery entirely this week) So Friday will now be beef stir fry. I think.

Saturday: leftovers and sandwiches

Sunday: lunch out; soup for dinner

As you can see, this week's menu is certainly not my greatest culinary accomplishment. However, I'm trying to go through it using only ingredients from my fridge and pantry - with no trips to the grocery store. We'll see...


katie henbest said...

what about chips and salsa from Chapala's?!?!!!

Jamie and Trevor said...

Oh gosh! You have no idea how much I miss Chapala's one here even comes close.