Menu Monday already...geez, I feel like I just posted the last one. Sorry to keep you waiting, reader(s). I understand that the anticipation can sometimes be too much to bear. For the record - this week is going to be terribly boring. I have leftovers and ingredients from last week that need to be used pronto, so here we go:
Monday: PIZZA with simple green salad
Tuesday: Buttermilk Baked Chicken that we didn't get to eat Sunday
Wednesday: Dinner at church
Thursday: Leftover Soup with fresh corn muffins
Friday: Shredded Pork Tacos MMMM!
Saturday: Trevor helps himself to sandwiches/soup/salad (Jamie will be gone to a conference)
Sunday: soup or taco leftovers; or the old standby, grilled chicken with wild rice
See, I told you this week would be boring. But, what could be better than extending our $60 grocery trip last week to make it through this one too?! I think I only have a few things to purchase for this menu...who knows, maybe I'll come in under budget on our monthly groceries for the first time in a L-O-N-G while. What about you? What are you eating this week?
I love reading your Monday menus! I'm always looking for inspiration for dinner....Do you post your recipes somewhere? Some other mom's and I started a blog with dinner recipes. Would you be interested in sharing a few on there occasionally?
good question! i have seriously decided that menus are impossible at our house. i cook some Tuesdays, Thursdays, some Fridays and some Sunday nights. i know we will have fajitas one night this week, and tilapia and yams one night. that's about it. i love your menu Mondays!
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