Fast forward to late Wednesday evening (after church) when, with the support of my loving and understanding husband (who seeking to ward off the wrath of his dragon-wife and being
That's four shortbreads and one latte. And one giant chocolate chip cookie I stole from Trevor's bag sometime between the two shortbreads and him shutting his door And that's not all. @_@ The shortbread tasted so good with the coffee, that I was certain I needed two more. Of course, by the time we got home, I needed something salty to balance out the sweetness of the cookie/coffee combo. So you're asking yourself, "Jamie, why wouldn't you just pull out the newly opened can of Pringles and pop a third of them into your mouth?" Good observation my darling know me all too well.
Binge count: six shortbreads, one latte, one giant chocolate chip cookie, 1/3 can of Pringles. You might think that I stopped there. And after one final (seventh) shortbread I did. For the night.
I woke up late yesterday morning as I often do, scrambled to get ready, and ran out of the house without breakfast. Don't worry, I packed myself an apple to eat once I arrived at the office, and a nice salad (with lo-cal dressing) for lunch. I also may or may not have thrown SEVEN shortbread cookies in the sack just in case the cravings returned. Sure enough, those little blond temptresses somehow managed to find their way into my belly - one on the way to work, two with the first cup of coffee, two more with a the second cup, and two more after lunch.
I think it was around 2:00 yesterday afternoon that while sitting in my rolly-chair, hovering over my trashcan and gripping my rumbling tummy, I realized the binge was over. Way over. #_#
All in all, the count came to 14 shortbreads, one giant chocolate chip, one latte, 1/3 can of pringles...all in less than 15 hours (8 of which were spent sleeping). Oye Ve! o.O I need some Tums.