Sorry for the hiatus last week. We were extra busy I guess, and I didn't even grocery shop until Thursday night...so it wasn't worth it to dedicate one whole blog to only 3 dinners. If you are wondering though, we tried a new recipe on Thursday night - a wonderful turkey tamale pie which I'll be sure to post in the future (with a few minor modifications). Other than that, it was a whole lotta leftovers at the Lubiens house. This week may be more of the same.
Monday: leftovers (see, I told you) Tamale pie, chips and guacamole -or- pizza. Healthy, huh?
Tuesday: good old fashioned spaghetti with meat sauce, green beans, and garlic bread. When planning my menus, I stray away from spaghetti because it's boring. But then when we do eat it, it always tastes SO good! Trevor will probably put this meal together while I work on our taxes. *gag* **about the taxes of course. Trevor's cooking is generally quite tasty (sorry babe)**
Wednesday: dinner at church
Thursday: chili and corn muffins
Friday: leftover pizza or Tamale pie with tossed romaine salad
Saturday: dependent on how many leftovers we STILL have (if any) for lunch.
For Valentine's day dinner, we're staying in this year, and I'm excited about our meal plans.
First course: cheese fondue (debating between Wisconsin cheddar or traditional Swiss) with assorted dippers (bread, apples, grapes, veggies)
Main course: Omaha steaks, garlic butter green beans, and mashed potatoes
Dessert: dark chocolate fondue with strawberries, pound cake, pretzels and brownie bites (maybe) Sounds good, doesn't it? After eating all that, I'd be willing to bet my left arm that we won't feel like being romantic, but it will be SO worth it to eat all that good food. Besides, we can be romantic any other day of the year. This is an excuse to throw the grocery budget to the wind and really EAT!
I know most of this post is boring and includes A LOT of leftovers. Here's why: I HATE throwing away food. Chances are good that if something isn't rank or growing a furry sweater in the fridge, we're going to eat it. Luckily, I have a husband who doesn't mind eating the same things multiple times each week. It's hard sometimes to cook for just two. For instance, I now know that the tamale pie recipe is big enough to feed a small army, and that even after cutting the recipe in half - note to self. The freezer has become my biggest ally.
As the days get longer and warmer, I'm anxious to use the grill a lot more, and the oven a little less. This spring we hope to join a CSA, but that's a different post entirely, and this one is already a little lengthy. I'm also working my way through some cook-lots-at-one-time-and-freeze-the-remaining-portions books, so I'll let you know how that goes. For now though, happy cooking!
i'm a leftovers guy too. cooking for one sucks even more than cooking for two. I should probably get a wife.
Hey Jim, remember when you were gonna post 3 times a week or something and now you only post the menu. c'mon it's barely february.
wow! can D and i come over for Valentines night???
Marc has a valid point, you know.
i love these posts.
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