Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Menu Monday (on Tuesday)

Wow! This, the first post since Halloween, is not starting off well. I intended to post this yesterday since I was off work, but then I decided to play all day instead. Better late than never, right? We do have some pretty fun stuff coming up on the blog...lots of video of our holiday adventures and our gorgeous new niece, Alyvia. For now though, it's menu time!

We've got lots of leftovers from our Christmas feast (pictures to come), so this menu has been pretty fun to put together. Here we go:

Tuesday: Homemade deep dish pizza - Chicago style with the sauce on the top

Thursday: Dinner out with Friends

Friday: Left over pizza

Saturday: Chicken White Bean Soup (using leftover Cornish Hens instead of chicken)

Sunday: Lunch out after church
Dinner - Popcorn, apples, and cheese (per the usual)

So that's what we're eating this week. What's on at your house?