A major part of Trevor's new job for the first few months was helping plan Trevecca's promotional stuff for General Assembly. He even convinced them that he could build and furnish the booth for the convention center at 1/2 the cost. It was a TON of work, but he pulled it off beautifully! My photos aren't working right now, so you'll just have to take my word for it tonight. I'm sure we'll blog on General Assembly more in depth, so I'll leave it for that post. I know, I'm killing you with the suspense...
Then Mom and Jenni came on Thursday the 2nd to spend the long 4th of July weekend with us! We relaxed and shopped, played MarioKart Wii and ate lots of yummy food. The only thing we didn't get to do was see fireworks (it rained) but that just means that they'll have to come see them next year.
Unfortunately, Jenni could only stay for a few days, but mom got to stay through my birthday on the 15th. We had so much fun together. One Saturday we went down the the farmer's market and the bicentennial mall, enjoying the sites and fun things the city had to offer.
This little boy was making smoothies and lemonade at his parent's fruit stand in the market.
There is a huge map section at the Bicentennial mall. This one is 3-D.

This one is huge...maybe bigger than a regulation sized basketball court?

There is a giant amphitheater at the mall that looks up at the state capitol. I wish I would have gone and stood down there so you could see just how big it is...

That night, we headed down to Centennial Park to watch people swing dance.
She also got to watch Trevor and I play softball which we love to do in the summer, and we all got to go to a couple of minor league baseball games - thanks, Trevecca!
Trevor was able to score extra tickets, so Stephen and Brian came too. They're cool...they play worship with us at church.

(We had great seats)

We tried to go to the Loveless Cafe for lunch, but even at 2:00 in the afternoon, there was a line out the door. Come visit us on a weeknight and we'll be more willing to take you out there. It is an experience for sure!

I'm a little disappointed that I've been working on this post for an hour and I'm not even close to covering all the fun we've had this summer. I haven't even mentioned our amazing week with Torrey and Anni last week...that's definitely coming in another post. Trevor is ever-so-patiently waiting for me so we can go home, so I'd better wrap this up. There WILL be more to come, I promise...and with more frequency then I have been posting, to be sure!