Hello everyone! This is Trevor. I forced that exclamation mark out because I am at home sick:( It seems like such a contradiction to be sick in the middle of the summer, especially in the south when it is 98 degrees with 90% humidity. The good news is it gave me some time to really dive into a new album I purchased a couple of days ago. I must preface my promotion with a few questions.
Do you like to dance?
Do you like to rock?
Do you like a bit of folk?
Do you like intelligent music that doesn't make you think?
If so, you will love the rock band from good ol' Ames Iowa (not Idaho, common mistake)! The name of my new obsession is "The Envy Corps". Very few times would I proclaim my absolute love for a band after so few listens. Athlete is one such band along with a handful of others. From the very first song "Wires and Wool" to the very last track "Story Problem", the album titled "Dwell" is packed full of hooky guitar, swooping synths, sexy strings, beautiful bells, (getting overboard with the alliteration) and crazy catchy lyrics. If you hear "Rhinemaidens" and don't like it than don't worry about the rest of the album (loser). Enough free publicity, if you get a chance please buy their album and support a very good band. They have a website and a myspace page so you can get a good healthy dose before you buy. On to other things.
My new band just put up a makeshift myspace page with not so professional recordings of three new songs. we are called "Be the General" at www.myspace.com/bethegeneral and we would appreciate your support so much. We are more rocky than the last project and we are still searching for a sound but getting closer with each practice. What I do need help with are some ideas for lyrics. This might sound like a cheap way to get out of writing my own but I just wanted to experiment. I have recently been checking out Kodak's picture of the day and making up a story for each picture. It has been challenging to say the least but very good for me as I progress as a writer. So if any of you have ideas of songs (it can be anything you want) or an amazing picture you could email or describe, I'm just trying to do this sort of pseudo non fiction type writing. Also, please remember that if we had access to a very good studio these songs would sound a bit different and hopefully we can get there sooner than never:)
Well, have a great day. You have to go though it so it might as well be great!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Our new addition
We bought a chair today! You see, we've been blessed to receive very generous gifts of furniture for our wedding, Christmases, Birthdays and the like. We have all the essentials covered: a gorgeous dining room set and a set of couches with which I hope we never part. Last Christmas, we made our first official Lubiens family furniture purchase and upgraded from a mattress on the floor with stacking cubbies for clothes, to a dark brown bedroom set from IKEA. To finish things off, we have been looking for months for a arm-type chair for our bedroom (that would easily make the transition to the living room when I get a hankering to rearrange), deciding not to buy something just because it was inexpensive, but waiting for a perfect fit. Last night, while sorting through the weekly junk mail, Trevor found an add for the Summer Blowout Sale at a local furniture store. On page two of the add was this gorgeous little square chair. Not wanting to get our hopes up (photographers can do amazing things with awful furniture), we headed out to Cool Springs this morning to have a look around. Lo and behold, the chair was exactly how it was pictured in the add. After taking a few minutes to walk around the store and carefully consider our purchase, we came home with this:
A lovely reading/crossword puzzle chair with an even lovelier price tag - 80% off! Good find, T-rev!
A lovely reading/crossword puzzle chair with an even lovelier price tag - 80% off! Good find, T-rev!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Mrs. Pacman

Good Friday morning, my (2) loyal readers! Your long wait has come to an end. I knew when we started this thing that I would be terrible about writing often, but I figure I owe you all at least a snippet of something. And considering that you've been waiting, red-eyed and with baited breath at your computers screens since our last post in June, I'm delighted to oblige.
I am in love. Not just the pitter-patter-of-your-little-heart-can't-wait-to-sit-next-to-him-at-recess kind of love, but the head-over-heels-would-do-just-about-anything-to-see-you sort of thing. I cannot explain to you the depth of my feelings for...Mrs. Pacman. :D You see, never having been good at video games, I always felt that sitting in front of a tv monitor for 3 hours, pushing buttons and hollaring at some little character that doesn't do what I tell it to in the first place, was a tad...well...asinine. Until I met her.
A few weeks ago, Trevor came home with a Nintendo 64 which had been gifted to us by someone who was obviously way too cool and current with his Playstation57 to bother with such primitive entertainment. After scouring the country for two controllers and an AV cable, we hooked it all up and turned it on... I was quite literally unimpressed. You see, I hate video games. I hate the thought of wasting precious moments of my day on something so completely unimportant (Unlike watching Friends, for example) So you can imagine how thrilled I was when Trev Trev could barely pull himself away from his BMX racing game long enough to use the restroom for the day that followed. In one fell swoop, I had become like a lonely old widow, shuffling around the house with nothing to do, no one to talk to - whilst my husband sat on the couch, so fixated on taking first place on every track, that nothing else seemed to matter. Until the next day.
He turned off ExciteBike and began to play a strange and primative game in which you (the petite yellow circle shaped character with a big red bow) follow a line of dots around the screen, chomping at them as you go, and trying not to run into the multicolored dudes that look like ghosts. Now I, like everyother pure bred American in the 90's had seen this game in the lobby at Pizza Hut - but in my own home? And it didn't look too scary or complicated - just follow the dots and don't run into the colored dudes. How hard could it be, right? So I mustered up the courage to pick up the controller and give it a try. It started off easy. I thought I was golden. It got harder, but I persisted. The more I played, the more invigorated I became. Trevor, I think just excited that I was paying attention to the thing, sat behind, coaching me out of the path of the colored guys that were obviously on a crusade to erradicate me. I played on...sometimes dying and starting over, but each time, reaching a little farther. For 15.whole.minutes this continued. My hands were achy. I needed to stop, but I couldn't - something inside of me telling me to press on.
For a few days following, I couldn't wait to get home and turn it on. I was getting better and better. And more and more cocky. Now we all know what the Bible says about pride, and fall I did. I became terrible at the game, barely making it past the first two pink levels. After some experimentation with number of lives and bonus points menu, I decided I needed a break. I flew to Colorado for a cousin's wedding and some much needed time to clear my head.
I arrived back in Nashville Monday night with my head in the game and by Thursday evening, T-rev and I decided to sit down and play two player. I started up the machine, my breath catching in my chest as the opening music was drawing to a close. Mrs. Pacman began her chomping movements, and low and behold...I was good again! I passed the first two levels with unwaivering skill and precision; manuvering around obsticles and dodging colored dudes. Another level and a little trash talk later, I was back to my old self - my old Mrs. Pacman loving self. Victory again is mine - (if only for the 5 levels I can master before the dudes overcome me and I lose all my guys).
I guess all I really have to say now is, "Thank you Trev-Trev. Thank you for introducing me to my new love. Don't you worry - there's still room for you on the couch too. You just'd better not touch the remote." :)
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